{Please note: New e-mail address} Please note that I changed my name because of my marriage from Kristoffer Weber to Kristoffer Riecken.
My new e-mail address is available on the contact page.
{Page description} This website provides additional information about the "Lentiviral Gene Ontology Vectors", complementing the following scientific publications:
{June 28, 2007} The first raw version of this website is finally online!
{April 27, 2012} I changed my name because of my marriage from Kristoffer Weber to Kristoffer Riecken. My new e-mail address is available here: contact. In Germany you can freely choose whose name you want to use after marriage. You can use her name or his name as the new family name, alternatively both can keep their own names or even fuse them together with a hyphen, like Name1-Name2.